You can help change the industry. Make high quality, international standards BIM available for all. Every bug you report, every question you ask, tutorial you make, content you translate, social media post you share, or even just by telling us what you enjoy helps make a difference.

Join the Open Source Architecture community today.

Our software is built by everyone*. You can even edit this website. Whether or not you're an experienced programmer or just playing around, we can teach you how to get started with development.

If you don't have time for code, please help donate so we can crowdfund a core team of developers.

Bonsai is made possible by the work of the buildingSMART community and the Blender community. buildingSMART has worked for over 20 years to develop IFC, BCF, bSDD, and IDS, technologies that allow computers to understand the data and relationships in our built environment, Blender has helped bring the freedom to create 3D graphics for almost 30 years to the world.

Like the giants we stand upon, we believe that our digital environment, like the built environment, is a public good and everyone should have the freedom to investigate it, and tweak it, and own it.

*well, currently about 195 people but still